Science Lab

Science Lab
Science Lab
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Music club

Music club is to give all students an opportunity to learn and instrument. Some secondary students are coming regularly and I am seeing a great improvement in their musicianship.

The students have a choice of guitar, piano and drums. I offer to teach them but I also offer them a chance to play the instrument on their own. Although I have regular students come to the music club, there is always room for more. There is no charge and no obligation to perform, Mr Webb.

Music club is available for all secondary boys on Fridays 1st half of lunch.

Music club is available to all secondary girls on Wednesdays 1st half of lunch.


Year 10 Macbeth Creative Folio

“Here I lay in a pool of blood, how cruel has this life been, or have I been cruel to this life.

The hunger for power is worse than a forest fire, and its desire to grow must always be fuelled, but you all may remember me as an insane lunatic, but it doesn’t matter because it’s the truth.

The whole time I didn’t even realise how much control my wife had over me, every single one of her wishes were my command, I still remember Duncan’s face when I drew the dagger out.

Neither do I fear God, as he chose my fate and my actions which I cannot change, so how can I be at blame?

Our minds are just trapped in this body which is going to do what has already been written down for it anyways, well that’s how I feel.

How can we change what has been already chosen? When the witches told me my prophecy it didn’t matter how I got there, I would still get there, I just speed up the process.

Or maybe murdering Duncan was the only way I could get the throne.

Many of my questions lay unanswered, and they shall lay that way forever.

So Dear Scotland forgive me for what I have done as I am not at fault, instead blame the witches and the man you call God, my fate was not decided by me.

Cenk Basturk 10B